Black Lives Matter T-Shirts: An Inspiring Cause

The phrase "necessity is the mother of innovation" is often used. The Black Lives Matter movement arose in response to various injustices that drew widespread notice. What started as a small grassroots activist movement exploded like wildfire. Black Lives Matter, “Hands Up, Don't Shoot,” “I Can't Breathe,” and other slogan shirts quickly spread throughout the country. This had spread across the globe, igniting national and international support for the cause. 

“When I say Black Lives Matter, I mean black lives matter, too,” one might state more precisely. Nobody is debating whether the lives of white people or police officers are as important. However in a social structure where black people have to bear an injustice without cause. Also, black children disparately participate inadequately in schools.

Explaining that "Black Lives Matter" is a declaration of inclusiveness rather than exclusion. It is one approach to start a discourse about it. This technique ties in with other principles of "Wear Out the Silence," such as listening, avoiding blame and guilt. It also focuses on approaching the endeavor with plenty.

A simple word or slogan on a t-shirt may inspire, motivate, change, and mobilize with the correct message. Some Black Lives Matter t-shirts and "I Can't Breathe" t-shirts were worn on the international stage by NBA and NFL players. They wore them at the height of the campaign. Through the simple mix of a t-shirt and a vital message, their respective charities received great attention, support, and backing. 

Black Lives Matter T-Shrts

T-shirts such as black pride t-shirts are just intended to be the first step in breaking the white silence. This means to start a dialogue. This idea is to convey a various message such as:

  • "Wear Out the Silence" message provides discussion starters for situations such as: Don't all lives matter?
  • I'm not sure I'm willing to discuss race with my children. 
  • I'm not seeing color.

Wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt daily may act as a springboard for having these essential dialogues. This is a sign of solidarity and support. The goal of the "Wear Out the Silence" campaign is to have white people take responsibility for their actions. They should participate in ongoing talks, even if it is unpleasant. 
In fact, the greater you participate in these discussions, the more at ease you will become with them.


Black Lives Matter t-shirts are a modest beginning step. It serves as a good reminder that every interaction is a chance to learn something new.


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